Amazon Adventure

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AMAZON ADVENTURE tells the science adventure story of Henry Bates and his extraordinary 11-year journey through the Amazon as a young man in the 1850s who risked his life in his quest to understand and document nature. Despite being entirely self-taught, he made crucial contributions to evolutionary biology. While identifying 8,000 species new to science, he discovered the phenomenon of “Batesian” mimicry and provided to Charles Darwin the “beautiful proof” for what is widely considered the most important scientific explanation of the development of life on Earth – natural selection. This story is told with the highest resolution, cutting-edge 3D technology that captures the amazing Amazonian rainforest and remarkable examples of mimicry.
SK Films is the worldwide distributor of the film, which was released to giant screen theaters in April, 2017. Henry Bates is portrayed by rising British actor Calum Finlay and the film re-unites key members of the creative team behind SK’s hit film Flight of the Butterflies, including Director Mike Slee and SK’s Wendy MacKeigan (lead writer) and Jonathan Barker (lead producer).
An SK Films Release of a Picture Projects/Aventuras/SK Films Production, in Association with HHMI Tangled Bank Studios and The National Science Foundation, with Support from The Gordon & Betty Moore Foundation and The Simons Foundation